Dementia Care

The latest reports suggest that more than 400,000 people in Australia have dementia. If you or a loved one is impacted by this condition, you are far from alone. It can be difficult to ensure that someone you care about receives the best dementia support in Australia, but we’re here to help. 

At Home Caring, we provide dementia support Mill Park residents can depend on with a bespoke care service that is entirely based around individual needs.

How We Support You

At Home Caring, we provide a trusted, highly compassionate expert dementia home care service you can rely on. Our list of services include

Signs Of Dementia 

When caring for dementia, it is important to understand the signs of the condition. This will help you determine whether your loved one needs a dementia carer or a more extensive level of dementia support. 

There are various signs that you should be aware of including memory loss. This is the most common sign to watch out for, particularly in the early stages. People will often find it difficult to retain short term information and may begin to live more in the past. They may also phase in and out of conversations and lose track of a discussion completely. 

It’s also possible that a person who needs dementia support in Mill Park will struggle with simple and complex cognitive tasks. This could include everything from boiling a kettle to preparing dinner or driving a car. This is why dementia carer support will often include helping individuals with a wide range of tasks that they can no longer complete themselves. 

In the later stages you may also notice changes to your loved ones behavior and mood. They might become more irritable overtime and you could find that they struggle to manage emotions such as anger. This could be because they are confused or unsure of their surroundings which makes them more agitated. This can lead to dangerous situations and it is one of the reasons why dementia home care is based on ensuring an individual’s safety as well as their comfort. 

Why You Need Dementia Care 

Dementia support services can be useful and in some cases essential for a wide variety of reasons. First, as mentioned, this condition can get progressively worse. It may start with short memory lapses and lead to an individual struggling to remember where they live, who other people are, or who they are. Cognitive decline and changes to motor functions are also common which can make even the most basic self-care task far more difficult. You may start to notice a significant, sharp decline in their quality of life because an individual with dementia will often struggle to look after themselves effectively. 

With dementia care at home, individuals can gain the full support that they need to gain the best possible quality of life. Home dementia care can cover a wide range of services and solutions that will often be designed around the specific needs of the individual. This will be based on ensuring that a loved one remains comfortable, happy and, perhaps most important of all – safe. 

How Dementia Services Help

Care for dementia patients can be extensive to cover a wide range of needs and requirements. It can also be shaped around the goals and requirements of the individuals themselves. People often assume that those with dementia are unaware of the care they require and this is not always the case. At Home Caring we will discuss a care plan with both you and your loved one to ensure that all needs are met. 

You may be considering delivering home dementia care to your loved one yourself however this is often a mistake. It will fundamentally alter your relationship as you become a primary carer. This can lead to difficult tasks and decisions that you may not be prepared for. At Home Caring, we will take care of complex and sensitive issues for you to ensure that we best support your loved one and take the burden off your shoulders. With the right level of care and support individuals with dementia can see significant improvements and a slower rate of decline. This can include everything from managing the home environment to helping with daily tasks or training their mind. 

If you are interested in learning more about the dementia home care services in Mill Park that we offer, please do not hesitate to contact our team today. We will be happy to assist you further and ensure that you get all the information you need.

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